Ch 9




Match the description in column B with the term in column A.



Column A

Column B


1.       progressivism

a.   key element of the “back to basics” approach; emphasizes traditional disciplines


2.       epistemology

b.   study of right and wrong


3.       core curriculum

c.   integrates academics with efforts to improve society


4.       social reconstructionism

d.   claims sensory experience is the basis of all knowledge


5.       Cartesian dualism

e.   viewing one’s own culture as superior


6.       ethics

f.    study of how knowledge is gained


7.       Great Books

g.   belief in materialism and idealism as foundation of reality


8.       existentialism

h.   combination of inductive and deductive reasoning


9.       ethnocentrism

i.    emphasizes democracy, experience, and relevance


10.       empiricism

j.    belief that change is illusory



k.   curriculum at perennialist schools such as St. John’s College



l.    stresses free individual development


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Match the description in column B with the educator in column A.




Column A

Column B


11.       Plato

a.   leading advocate of behaviorism


12.       Paulo Freire

b.   popularized term “essentialism” in 1930s


13.       Robert Hutchins

c.   advocate of “praxis;” exiled for his work turning schooling into a liberating force


14.       B.F. Skinner

d.   believed virtue comes from holding to the middle ground between two extremes (Golden Mean)


15.       Aristotle

e.   author of Cultural Literacy


16.       E.D. Hirsch, Jr.

f.    head of the Coalition of Essential Schools


17.       Mortimer Adler

g.   Paideia Proposal author, advocate of perennialism


18.       A.S. Neill

h.   disciple of Socrates; founded the Academy


19.       William Bagley

i.     advocate of “engaged pedagogy”


20.       bell hooks

j.    challenged students primarily through questions



k.   champion of perennialism who instituted Great Books curriculum at the University of Chicago



l.    founder of Summerhill, the famous existentialist school

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