chapter 10

Financing and Governing America ’s Schools


Match the description in column B with the term in column A.



Column A

Column B


1.       categorical grants

a.   physical facilities of a school


2.       foundation program

b.   responsibility students feel toward their schools


3.       Serrano v. Priest

c.   state funds distributed to establish a minimum level of spending per student


4.       school bond

d.   court case that found property tax acceptable under the U.S. Constitution


5.       infrastructure

e.   raises funds used for school construction


6.       guaranteed tax base

f.    faculty and personnel who make up a school staff


7.       block grants

g.   federal aid directed at particular educational needs


8.       accountability

h.   court case that found property tax unconstitutional under California law


9.       educational foundations

i.    lump sum financial aid with latitude for spending


10.       San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez

j.    adds state funds to taxes raised at local level; more money goes to poorer communities



k.   public desire for academic results in return for investment



l.    funded by private donations; supplements official school budget


Match the description in column B with the term in column A.



Column A

Column B


11.       chief state school officer

a.   school secretary, custodian, parents


12.       state education department

b.   one school district per state


13.       consolidation

c.   established by President Carter in 1979


14.       U.S. Department of Education

d.   usually elected


15.       school-based management

e.   shift to smaller school districts or units within districts


16.       decentralization

f.    hired by school board to manage school district


17.       local superintendent

g.   also known as superintendent, commissioner, secretary


18.       educational partnerships

h.   shift to fewer, larger school districts


19.       school’s hidden government

i.    financial support for groups of lobbyists


20.       local school board

j.    schools working cooperatively with business and community groups



k.   moving decision-making authority to individual schools



l.    handles administrative tasks such as licensing teachers and distributing state and federal funds

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            Supply a brief description of each educational term.

         a.       Tenth Amendment

b.       property tax

c.       block grant

d.       San Antonio v. Rodriguez

e.       accountability

f.        school boards

g.       adequate education

h.       decentralization

i.         superintendent

j.         U.S. Department of Education



1       Describe the advantages and disadvantages for each of the following revenue sources:

·         property tax

·         sales tax

·         income tax

·         state lotteries


2.      Describe three educational responsibilities of state governments. Describe three educational responsibilities of local governments.


3.      Cite one or two reasons why the turnover rate of superintendents is high. What duties make the job so difficult?

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